Friday, September 28, 2012

Grace and Hope...and travel dates?

People have been asking if we know our travel dates, and the answer is “maybe!” But first a story (it's kind of long)
Way back in August I was looking at children on waiting child sites. These are mainly children that have been overlooked because their special need is too great or too unknown. There was a beautiful girl listed as “Kimmie” with another agency. I was smitten. She has the best smile! Chris and I talked and prayed about her. We knew she had a heart defect and had done lots of research and thought we could handle it. We asked a cardiologist and my cousin Steven (a neonatal surgeon) to review her file. The cardiologist never responded and before Steven could, we told them we wanted to know more about how to submit a “letter of intent” for her, basically saying we wanted to move forward for her. The very next morning Steven called with a devastating review of her condition. We decided it was too much for our family to handle. Sobbing, I called back the agency and told them we could not move forward.

I grieved the loss of her, sad that it would not be us to be her family. My close girlfriends grieved with me, including my best friend of the last 20+ years, Shelley Carson. The adoption worker from "Kimmie's" agency thanked me for the information on her condition and said that perhaps God would use our fact finding to locate the family that was ready for “Kimmie”. I prayed it would be so. Chris and I continued on in process with the agency we had started with (not “Kimmie’s” agency) and waited for our homestudy to be finished so that they could “match” us with a waiting child with a less serious need. Meanwhile, I prayed for “Kimmie”.

Several months later I got a call from Shelley. Her voice was wavering, heavy. When I asked her what was going on, she confessed that she and her husband Kevin had submitted a letter of intent to adopt a little girl they would call Hope, that same little girl that was advocated for by the name of “Kimmie”. They felt God clearly calling them to her, feeling as though God had allowed them to spend 21 years of parenting in preparation for her and her special needs. I was shocked. Happy for them. Thrilled for Hope.  Quite honestly, I felt a little bad that I didn’t have a constitution strong enough to say yes to her 3 months before. But ultimately I knew that God really had used the information we had obtained for “Kimmie” to lead her to her forever family. And it was Shelly and Kevin Carson (and their 7 biological kids)!

Fast forward a year!! The Carson’s paperwork took longer than expected because of social worker screw ups. Their dossier didn’t make it to China till May 2012. Chris and I had our dossier in China in February, but due to website foul-ups and other constraints, we were not matched with our Grace until June 7th. At that point, the Klemstines and the Carsons were both waiting on our “Letter of Approval” from China, which can take anywhere from 30-130 days, with the timing sometimes being quite random. Surprisingly, our LOA (letter of acceptance) came first on July 23. Hope’s came exactly one week later on July 30.

At this point we began to dream that we could be in China at the same time, picking up our girls. Then the Klemstines got a letter from US immigration stating that we needed to file a supplement to our application because Grace was older than we had asked for (by 23 days!!!) on our original application. This added 3 weeks to our timeline and we were now hopelessly behind the Carson family’s paperwork. Still we prayed God would work it out.

Wednesday, September 25, Shelley called to say that they had booked tickets for October 12 returning October 25. They had decided they could not wait for us since Hope is so fragile (she needs surgery pretty immediately) and they already have their travel approval from China. I called my agency and found out that if our travel approval comes as it should in about 9 days, we could be leaving for China on the 25th,  with a US consulate date(the last step before you can leave China with your child) on November 6. We would miss them by days. They wanted to change their dates by a week to catch us but feared they could not because they had already sent off for their Chinese visas and since Shelley is a church employee, China will only let her enter the country for a very brief time (30 days from the time the visa is issued!). Confused yet?

Thursday, September 26, I called Shelley and found out that due to a “Sugar Trade Fair” in the town of Fuzhou where she will pick up Hope, there are no hotel rooms to be had for 2 weeks from her original travel plan. She thankfully was able to stop the visa process and her agency set out to find her a new consulate date.  The new date….is November 6th. And the morning after this new date was confirmed, Shelley got the update on Hope that she has been waiting on for ten months! It says that Hope has been healthy since her last surgery!! Comforting news to a worried mama and papa.

What this means is that not only may the Carsons and Klemstines be in China together, but we may also be able to be at the US consulate together, watching our girls become US citizens. I say “may” because the Klemstines still do not have our “travel approval” from China, which is needed in order to set up our flights, hotel reservations and consulate appointment. In addition, we will be in a town called Guangzhou during the last week of a major trade fair, which will jack up the prices of everything significantly (up to double!). It will also make reservations hard to find, especially since we probably won’t have our travel approval till October 12 ,because all governmental offices will be closed from 9/30-10/7 for a weeklong national holiday!!!

So, do we have travel dates? We hope so. We are praying that God will continue to bless our process in order to allow us to get our travel approval in time to travel with our agency’s October travel group and that the costs won’t be so skyrocketing high that we won’t be able to justify the cost. God has already shown Himself able and we trust Him to continue. In just the last week, our church allowed parishioners to contribute through them for our adoption and over $1300.00 was donated to date, good friends have offered us an Ipad in order for us to be able to communicate with Grace through some translation apps, and other sweet friends have offered us airline miles, which we hope to be able to use to reduce or eliminate our international flight costs. God is good. All the time.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading! Your prayers for the last few weeks and remaining details of our process are greatly appreciated!! For over a year God has been working on my heart and my strong will to allow Him to be in control and to trust Him with the details of everything. And so it continues. I choose to continue to trust that He has the best plan for me. I am so glad He is so faithful to continue to grow and mold me into the person he wants me to be! Pray for Grace. Pray for Hope. Pray for the Carsons and the Klemstines as we get ready to bring two scared little girls into our lives and homes.

By the way, did I mention their similarities?

Grace’s birthdate :5/15/2007                                      Hope’s birthdate 8/15/2007
Grace’s weight: 28 pounds                                          Hope’s weight: 30 pounds
Grace’s height: 35 inches                                              Hope’s height: 38 inches.

I can’t wait to see them together!! How about you?